Starting Over New

by JAMIE   Jun 30, 2006

I want to start over
All new and fresh
No more dwelling
On the past I hold inside

First off, my cutting
Of coarse I regret it
But that's my past
I learned from it
Now I can be stronger

Secondly, this breakup
It did serve it's purpose
To get me to quit cutting
And I'm not going to
Sit here and cry about it
Or lose anymore sleep

Even though I don't regret us
I need to get over it
Yeah, I would rather be together
But that will never happen
So why should I still want it
I need to just move on

Lastly, my depression
Man, do I regret this one
It ruined so many times
That should have been fun
For example, Florida
That was one of those
"Once in a lifetime" deals
And it was horrible
Because I was so sad

Now my depression
Is pushed to the side
I want to start over
And make these coming years
The best they can be

Because I'm stronger
I can make it through
All of the pain
That life throws my way
I am moving on
And starting over new


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