
by ~BuBBa BuBBleZ~   Jul 1, 2006

Ive been hurt and so have you
weve been here done this through and through
fight and make up like we always do
but this time sorry has not been said
i cant go on like this its screwing my head
my family is gone
my heart is torn
im sorry mum
my act was dumb
you didnt raise me to run
i got to sort my problems one by one
i got to pull my head in
start from the begginning
turn my wrong into a wright
stop crying every night
show my true, see the light
lets stop this arguement..
lets end this fight

**im sorry mum**


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  • 17 years ago

    by SadKuteAngel

    Aww i like it...kinda how i feel....awww 5/5 :)