
by tomuchhurt   Jul 2, 2006

The thought of letting you go makes my heart turn cold,
Maybe im being greety and everyone should have your love to hold.
All those wonderful feelings I get with you,
Is something I want to hold on to.
But with you gone how can I ever love again?
How can I ever let anyone else in?
I dont know what to do,
I have never truely been in love with anyone but you.
And now your planning on going away,
And I have no idea what to say.
Youve caught me speechless not knowing what to do,
Should I forget about us? Should I forget about you?
I could never forget the feelings of love in my heart,
Even without you here we will never be apart.
Im Trying to let go, you have got to believe,
But a piece of me will always go with you even when you leave.
Without you I will never feel whole,
But just remember that I love you from the deepest depths of my soul.


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  • 17 years ago

    by windylittlestorm

    OHG! babe that was beautiful! it gave me goose bumps! i love your poetry! lets write a book together! called

    Someone's windylittlestorm gave them tomuchhurt! how kewl would that be! i love ya and thanks for me comments on my poems! you have beautiful poetry no matter what you say! oh and the suffer one has more to it, i just can't write it on here, and mainly because i first wrote it as a song, but i will bring it to your house next time! luvs!