Broken Mirror

by Rin   Jul 3, 2006

Every body says that I am nice I am pretty and that they love me

Then why do i feel that i am looking in a broken mirror why do i feel that hurt how the shattered glass?

My heart it torn in so many peices my boyfriend is caught up in his ex my sister has sent my parents on gaurd.

I feel the shards of the mirror fall of the mounted boardleaveing a bleak soul in the wake



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  • 17 years ago

    by October Rain

    This is a really good poem im getting the message that pople want to change you but dont let them just remembere be yourself and you have a friend who cares


  • 17 years ago

    by brokenxmirror92

    3/5. It was good. Almost radtastic. Needs more organization I think. Keep writing.