Happy Birthday

by letmebeyours   Jul 3, 2006

So people die and theres just no getting over it
Your tears may dry and you may smile again but its still hurts your heart, every last bit
All it takes is that one song, phrase or thought and i get that empty feeling inside
Your life was cut short by Gods plan being defied
Those people who took your life into their own hands have no idea how they affected the people who love you
A child should never see their father cry or feel the hurt that we now do
Theres no words to express how much you are missed
So many emotions, sorrow and greif but mainly im just pissed
My first car, prom and graduation you will no longer be here for
No more jokes and laughter from you; the things ive always adored
What i regret the most is never saying happy birthday to you, truth be told i totally forgot
It was at your wake two weeks later when I was reading your card, i remember where i was standing the very spot
Almost a year later, where am i standing now? At your gravestone whispering as tears fall, "im sry, forgive me, i miss you, i love you and happy birthday"
Theres is soo much and more i can only wish to say

To my Uncle Ralph
RIP July 3, 1974 - July 16, 2005
Happy Birthday
Love your 1st Neice


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  • 17 years ago

    by Catastrophic Beauty

    Very good poem. The rhyming was good, flow a little off but the message was good. I think you did a really good job on this.

    Thanks for the comment on my poem

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