A letter for a stranger

by FlirtingWithDeath   Jul 8, 2006

Dear stranger,
This is a letter for a stranger
I have met him long long ago,
I know nothing of him
But he knows all about me.
I never once lied
But for some reason
He always made me cry.

This letter is not out of hate
Not even out of fright
I am sure it was fate
That wanted me to drive
You out of my sight.
This letter is a plea
To get out of my life
I want to move on
But I am kept in your
Dreary crate.

A letter to a stranger
I am sorry to say
Let me be free
And step out of your misery.
Its time to move on
Just leave me alone
Delete me from your mind
So I can go on.
Let me live my life
Let me smile once more
This is a plea
For you to leave me be.

Yours truly,
A girl who wants to move on.


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  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Good piece, very well written. The struture and presentation of a letter addressing “the stranger” works very well. You express your feelings towards this person very well throughout with a good flow and powerful content

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