Hate Me

by RetroRavey   Jul 21, 2006

You should hate me...
For all the times you had to hold me,
Because I wouldn't stop
Reaching for the knife.
And you caught so many of my tears,
But I caught none of yours.
I've lived my life
And screwed it up...
And in turn your world was shattered
Every time you saw
My mutilated arms.
(A sight a mother should never have to see.)
You need to hate me...
Because I was so horrible to you,
When I was angry
At myself.
I kicked and screamed in the night
Not wanting to go home.
I've caused you pain
So many times...
But you still love me, even now.
Why do you still hold me,
And call me your sunshine?
(Like I'm still the light
That died so long ago...)
Why don't you hate me....?

* this is for my mother... she's put up with so much of my crap, and yet still can smile at me every morning, and hug me without flinching... I don't know how she does it... but I'm so glad that she does.*


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  • All moms deserve to have recognition, espaecially if they have to put up with the stuff we pull on them.

  • 17 years ago

    by hayley

    Wow! same with me. my mom should hate me for all the crap iv done. ive cut on numerous places and times. ive lied sooooo often, that i dont know the meaning of honesty anymore. i know from where yer coming from with this poem and i compliment it very much!