When I'm Old

by Ele   Jul 21, 2006

FIfty years from now I hope I still wear red silk pajamas
And a velvet dressing gown with funky fluffy slippers
I hope I still feel restless on a night
Just wanting to start the next day and find new experiences
I hope when I'm old I'll live like I'm young
Excited and optimistic about life
I hope I teach my kids to smile through hard times
And I hope I'm a really fun wife
I hope in my last days I don't know it all
I hope I learn something new everyday
I'm optimistic, having fun, niave to the world
And I hope those qualities never change
I hope I still sing along to every song on the radio
Even if it's one I don't like
I hope I dance like I don't know how, when no one's around
I hope I act a fool my whole life
I hope I still shop for random things I don't need
And clothes I'll probably never wear
I hope I still dance in the street with no music
Watching friends get embarassed from the stares
I hope I still play poker with the guys
And talk about sex with the girls
I hope I have friends in all different places
I Hope I've seen more of the world
I hope when I'm old I wear red silk pajamas
And stay up till stupid o'clock on a night
I hope I never let my young spirit fade
I hope I'll still make the most off my life


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