Forgive and forget

by ivan070   Jul 24, 2006

Wise man says forgive and forget;
For it eases our pain;
A vengeful heart brings nothing;
But endless suffering;

The painful past is now gone,
Let it be buried;
Allow time to heal;
Your deepest wounds;
And your scarred soul;
Allow your anger to subside;

Bring back the smile;
Bring back the laughter;
Be prepared for the future;
Be the recipient of good blessings...

If we do not forgive our selves
No one else could;
To make mistakes is to be human;
Learning and forgiving makes us better...

Life is about changing
and changing brings life to us;
Winning isn't everything;
Losing educates us;

Life is short and full of surprises,
Only death is certain and inevitable;
Live your life with wisdom;
Make it sweet and memorable...


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