Best friend

by Georgia   Jul 27, 2006

You gave me wings when mine shattered
And mended my heart when it was bruised and battered
You picked me up when i was down
And made sure you were always around
When i was happy you were the reason why
Picking me up so i could fly
So high i could almost reach the sky

I didn't need to ask for a hand
you helped me make my stand
For all the things in my life that mattered

Told every one to give it a rest
When i was on the end of my tether
you were there, there is no one better
to talk to and shelter in their arms
Protect me from a world of hate and lies
Dry my tears
Closed my eyes and count to ten
And begin all over again

i love you
and hope you love me to
how did i end up with an angel like you
what did i do
to deserve a great friend like you

It wasn't in this life
Must be in my last
But what ever it was it's in the past
Enjoy our time while we can
You never no when it could end

So to my friend
My angle who is missing her wings
I'm glad we are still so strong
I hope this friendship is forever long
*for KIA*


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  • 17 years ago

    by Just Me

    Its good!!! But trust me you deserve her! I have a friend who wont let me pull away either... thats the best they make you expirience EVERYTHING no matter what and whats better they are right there with you! But you should probably stop talking like that... you deserve her... and even if you iddn't it sounds like she needs you as much as you do... some people need to love others or else they lose it. I'm one of those people... even if they don't love me back i have to be able to love others or i lose it! stay strong sweetie! Even if you do cut tonight Im still proud of you for making it a week... and next week you can make it a week and a day! just go step by step and you'll make it farther then you ever dreamed!!!! Believe me I know! I'm still in the process of quitting but if each time you shoot for just one day more... just one day more! Its cool about you and Steve (?) I'm not really an expert on guys. I've kissed once and that was a chicken peck so your already a step ahead of me. Dont say that I dont care or that I dont need to hear this... I love you so I love to hear about you having a good time!!! I love hear about your life! yeah it sucks i have like 102 degree fever and am sweating like a pig but oh wells! One thing I learned... when physically sick... you get better somehow!!!
    Alright have a good week, I have to go paint nails at an old folks home!!!