
by Gordon Whittaker   Jul 28, 2006

A lways on my mind are you
A special wife so faithful and true,
these words are especially for you.

N ever-ending bond of love.
Oh I am so happy you are mine,
our love grows stronger with the passing of time.

N othing is too much trouble for you,
you are always as busy as a bee.
For your family, friends, and yes me.
Your unselfishness is there for all to see.

E xcellence that's what you are,
' You are my shining star '
You're my anchor in a raging sea.
My right arm, you are a part of me.

M eeting you was the best moment in my life.
I count myself oh so lucky to have you as my wife,
together thirty years, through good times sad
times and the tears.

I namorata, yes I am yours, and you are mine.
We shall be united till the end of time,
basking in love, happiness and the sublime.

E xperiencing the ups and downs on the road of life.
Facing our set backs together head-on,
a sad chapter in our lives that we did overcome.

K indred spirit is what you possess, you're many
attributes are countless.
Kindness, consideration with you is the norm
you make life worth living, and me so glad I was born.

Gordon Whittaker


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