David poem yay

by Liz Suffecool   Aug 8, 2006

The look in your eyes the pain I could see
how you were hurting so bad, and it was all because of me
Id do anything to kiss away the pain
but when I'm the reason you hurt like that I guess the pain remains

I'm sorry I hurt you I'm sorry I made your cry
but just remember your everything to me without you Id die
I know its bad to put my life into one person
but your everything to me and I know you wont leave me hurting

Id do anything for you as you'd do anything for me
because baby to each other we mean everything
I don't care about anyone else just you my one and only
but trust me I'll always be there and I wont leave you lonely

you don't get it do you nobody seems to
that I so much in love with you and I'm not sure what to do
I want to scream it out for the world to know
that your the one I love so much its just not that easy to show


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