Just Another Day....

by Jessica   Aug 8, 2006

I shove and shove my mouth.....
Anything I glare I see....
I sit there starting to think....
How life used 2 be so good....
I Miss You even after a year....
Under Pressure by Family....
I run run run.....
Straight to the place I no I m not suppose 2 go.......
I take that object and stick it down my throat....
Its like this pain you've never felt before....
Its like everything inside of you is coming out.....
Why I ask you...I do not know....
Depression is what I go through....
You think I could go through any more suffer or pain...
Behind every smile is some one who strives for pain everyday....
I look look look....
In the mirror I see some one I m not....
Some one who hates her self....
Again I stick that object in my mouth and I begin to feel that pain.....
What has this type of world come 2...
I wipe my mouth and look once again....
Clean my face and put that smile on and walk out like its just Another day.....
Where I face the WORLD.......


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  • 17 years ago

    by Shelly

    This is a great poem i can relate to it...it has a great flow its awesome