
by Daniela   Aug 9, 2006

There was once a time when i wanted you,
There was once a time when you wanted me,
Its funny how a moments disloyalty
breaks my heart a thousand times

Tell me, now im gone,
who do i have to watch fill my shoes,
Take my place in all i do
and love you the way i use to?

Now ill wish you well in all you do,
but now we're apart, who can we turn to?
I will only ever have one soul mate,
Tommy T and lady d.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kirsty palmer

    Awwah, this was so sad, but written really well.. i loved the way that it was so emotional and heartfelt, great write...keep it up..please rate and coment on my poems, thanks,... kirsty palmer xx