Frost upon their eyelashes.

by Raydeen   Aug 21, 2006

And the frost sat upon his eyelashes,
as he walked what seemed like a mile.
and everytime he took a breath,
you could see the white puff come from his mouth.
and tears fell from his very own eyes,
and they froze,
but he didn't care anymore.
and he liked the way when he breathed in,
there was a sharp feeling from the sudden coldness in his lungs.

she walked with a briskness,
thinking was what she needed.
it hurt to breathe,
it was much to cold out.
she could feel it on her face and hands,
she knew her face would look flushed,
and she started to cry,
who cared who saw,
her heart needed her to cry.
and the tears froze on her cheeks.

his breath caught,
she was walking toward him,
he didn't know what to do.
she looked up and saw him,
the look on his face compelled her to run to him.
he brushed his fingertips across her face,
"I won't live without you" he whispered.
"you don't have to" she said back.
and with his fingertips frozen in place.
tears frozen on their fragile looking faces.
and their breath coming out in quick puffs of white,
they stood together, with frost sitting upon their eyelashes.


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