Leason to be learned

by ..:::Megan:::..   Aug 22, 2006

In a world so deep where not anyone could see,what was behind the little girls eyes..of a love so steep...
Not no one or anyone paid any attention..Her mom and dad knew but not of them would mention..
She grew up,and is the same..but shes no longer getting called names...
But she didnt forget what people said to her...those mean and hurtfull words..would you of forgot?I mean they were ubsurd.
She doesnt go back to her cruel and hateful world ..she leaves it alone..a place where she rolled in a ball and curled.
She now teaches at a little school...and there is still that one girl in the class that wasnt what they called \"cool\"...
So now she helps her out in this little world of theirs..where no one can touch them and they live a happy life...
So the leason here is dont make fun of people because it can do alot of damage...
...because maybe behind those pretty eyes are unsaid words and sobbing tears..........*

pleez comment:)


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  • 17 years ago

    by ..:::Megan:::..

    This is one of my favorite:)..i just know a girl like this and she inspired me to write it..comment*