Monster of distruction

by Natasha   Sep 10, 2006

She is a monster of destruction
Who rips out your insides and brings you closer to her world
Where you stop breathing and you stop feeling
Your world is coming to an end, nothing is possible
She feasts of your happy memories, she won’t give them back

She is a monster of destruction
She’ll never let you sleep
She lies and deceives, she makes you alone and crazy
There is no one to help you here
She is vain and self-centered; you are nothing but the fun of torture
There is no escape or running now
As darkness soon becomes your only companion
Day by day the same slavery continues, the scars on your body will soon burn you away

She is a monster of destruction
You have not a saying or voice
No dignity left, no living,
You just keep getting penalized
Your world will never compare to hers

The monster of destruction has got into your head and stolen away your brain for thought and action
The monster of destruction has broken through your chest and has poisoned your heart black
The monster of destruction has left you with blood
You cry tears of blood and as you whisper your last words
She is my monster of destruction.


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