Why fear death

by eric   Sep 10, 2006

Why do humans fear death?
to me death is a release
a release from the horried world
a release from all this pain i have.
my pain has been building since i fell in love with you
and my pain is to much
i cant take it.
i tried killing myself before
but i faild at that attempt because i thought i had a chance with you.
i will not fail this time
for this time i knew what is was like to have you
and i lost you
so i do not fear death! i look forward to death.
for it will be my release from all my pain
good bye my love


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  • 17 years ago

    by tisha

    I used to be the same way.. i was like in love with this guy and everyone knew but him.. i was so angry. because this lasted since the frist time i saw him to the time he move but i got over it because i knew that if it was suppsoed to be he would come back for me... my mom always says (you find love and set it free if it comes back it was ment to be.)