The ones i love

by Nicole   Sep 16, 2006

The one's i love
they are a strange bunch
some trust me
others treat me as invisible
some became my bullies
some come to me for advice
some i will always remember for a lifetime
some who i can depend on
one i have fallen for

who knows how and when i met each and everyone. there are encouters i remember from being aged 5

but the one thing i know is that no matter how much heartache they cause me i can count of those close select few who from my friends treat me kindly

each and everytime they see me
they hug me
they listen when i am down(which is frequently with current circumstances)
but above all i love them beyond control. without them i would not be alive.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Cameron

    I like you poems.

  • 17 years ago

    by Black Princess

    Well done :) i understand that completely.. i hope they stand by your side because you deserve great friends. Keep smiling..
    p.s i know how much yr 12 sucks dont worry lol

  • 17 years ago

    by Tru

    You are talented keep your feelings flowing and you'll go far. 5/5