Until the End of Time

by Tripp   Sep 23, 2006

Might seem a little obsessive...but so am I. I love this girl

I love this girl too much to explain
knowing her is what's keeping me sane
now and forever she'll be in my thoughts
everyone knows that I love her lots

We stare into eachothers eyes
because of love our heart flies
they soaring side by side in the sky
it's so good I didn't let this girl pass by

I fall in love again each time our eyes meet
and our love, nothing could ever beat
this bond wasn't formed with any glue
formed by our feelings, love that's true

Any moment with her is worth the world
our love just may have finally fully unfurled
I'm realizing that I can't live without her
that's a fact, and I am dead sure

Her eyes, her hands and her hair
every bit of her is like my air
I'm in love with every last part
this girl is tattooed in my heart

Memories will stay here eternally
I'm more complete, even more fully
filled up, just because I met her
thinking of losing her is torture

In the end, our love is what matters
any other force, it easily shatters
until the end of time I'll be loving this girl
even if it means, losing my world


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sorefromreality

    Becki is one lucky gurl..i prbly just butchered her name whoops..nice job i like it..

    love ya lots,

  • 17 years ago

    by Alex Ellsworth

    Nice poem man. I know what thats like i just found the women i love. i can tell that you really mean it.

  • 17 years ago

    by Raychel

    Aww tripp! becky's so lucky to have u!! this is too cute! 5/5!

  • 17 years ago

    by Megann Lee

    "they soaring side by side in the sky"

    Should be:
    "they're soaring side by side in the sky"

    "this girl is tattooed in my heart"

    I think it would sound better if -
    "this girl is tattooed on my heart"
    (But that's my opinion)

    I like this poem, it is very sweet and obviously shows just how much you really do love this girl you are writing about. It flowed rather well, it lost some of the flow and rhyme near the end, but I didn't thikn it affected it enough for me to give it anything less than a five. This poem was in well deserving of a five. Enjoy. :]