No more friends for me

by jade walters   Sep 27, 2006

They stab you in the back, the mean and horrible names they call you, the betrayal, the discomfort, the lame excuses, the ditching for others, your secrets you once told them in private and in trust out in the open for everyone to know about, the hurt, the anger, the humiliation, the trust thats broken and gone for good, the love and respect down the drain... why? why do we need friends if their just out to hurt you, i have no friend so i find love and friendliness in poems, i don't need friends or cousins they just stab you in the back, the tell you to get a life, but its them that need a life it i ain't me or you that need one we already have lives to live and good ones whether they're in it or not, we don't need the trouble and hurt and lies... we need freedom...


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