Love is not a word

by dion   Oct 2, 2006

Love is a feeling, not just a word,
more of a emotion.
the feeling when your heart stops every time that someone is in front of you.
you cant find the right words to say,
but in due time they will come out.
love is but a strong mighty tree, for a tree might take awhile to get big and strong, but when it does it will die that way.
just like love.
love is unique for love has many possibilities, and you never know were it might bring you, or who you'll find.
that someone might be the last person in the world that you thought it would be.
but you will find it.
love is a mystery, only to be solved by one person, you.
and let your heart be your tool.
but don't loose that tool along the way, as you will learn its hard to get back.
love takes courage, but when the time is right, you will face your greatest fear.
when you have found that love, you will know it, for there is nothing in the world like it. it truly is a dream come true.
think not of the bad love could pass upon you, for love has its ways off getting out of them.
love is your guide, it will lead you in and out of temptation.
don't let your mind deceive you,
you must follow your heart.
love is a gift, as when you show love for that one person, you will get love back.
if your eyes start to wander, you have not found love.
love is not a skill, everyone has it.
everyone has a heart, problems are caused when you don't help your heart out, because remember, its helping you.
love is not a word, for a person can say i love you and not mean any bit of it, love is that feeling of when your heart is strucked.
so remember, love is not a word, it is an emotion.


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