Dead leaves

by cHeAtInG dEaTh Nd sTrIpPeD dOmNiQuE   Oct 2, 2006

Walking on the dry leaves today,

fallen in springs marching the end of a season,

something in me dies too as these leaves,

nothing new left in here as everything is let loose,

heart flies away as its afraid of me now,

don't want to get broken again due to my assurgency in love,

emotions life up and they throw me down,

left inside never crawling to surface the fate unknown,

this life it seems is a curse upon me,

makes me suffer on every stretch and every turn,

these winds these trees and all these worldly affairs,

don't connect to me as i feel so like an alien,

no need to be born no need to live no need to breathe,

what purpose it serves to break something so tender,

that its existence seems so uncertain and dim,

goodbye to everything and everyone,

i just want to a part of these dry leaves,

dry n dead and then turn to ashes in the fire of truth,insanity and greed.


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