My cocaine

by TAKEN BY THE BEST   Oct 17, 2006

With one kiss of his lips
and a guide of my hips
my love for him grows
as i lay in his arms, i begin to dose
he is my cocaine
for he takes away all my pain
i get a high from his love
i start to fly at peace like a dove
with no worries or pain
he is my cocaine
i love him so much
he has such a gentle touch
my pain flows away in his arms
like he takes away all the harm
he takes away my pain
for he is my cocaine


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  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Neveruse a refference like cocaine
    as something good. COCAINE numbs
    the hurt but the pain still grows.and
    i hope your love is'nt like that. this is
    a beutiful poem keep writting

  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Sweet cocaine never can come close to love even through my wife thinks
    she comes second to my true love
    cocaine cy