The person i can be

by Jackielynn   Oct 17, 2006

By slitting my arm
I'm causing self harm

i know it's wrong
but I'll just smoke my bong

I'll play our song
oh, I'll play it for long

I'll take my blade
and make myself fade

I'll sit on my bed
and wait to be dead
did you hear a thing i said?

you'll see me dead
with a bullet in my head

then you'll see
the person i can be


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Lutu

    Beautiful poem.

  • 17 years ago

    by SadKuteAngel

    Aww i like it...

    do u do drugs?... u dont have to answer...

    umm no that poem wasnt really note suicide note... just wrote it...

    umm i like ur stayle of writing :)

    keep it up :)