Nothing without you

by rawr!   Oct 18, 2006

I love you,
i do,
why do i feel so empty without you?
why did your feelings have to change?
what did i do to make u leave?
nothing matters anymore,
im nothing without you,
i keep loving you,
to keep myself from telling you im nothing without you,
why wont u give me one more chance?
its 3 months later,
and im still here,
crying my eyes out,
u know whats going on with me,
and u seem to not care,
i feel so empty,
everytime i pass the places we spent together my eyes well up in tears,
when i was with u life was perfect,
maybe thats why im nothing without u,
i miss ur kisses,
ur laugh,
ur smile,
ur voice,
most of all i miss the love u gave me,
everything reminds me of u,
why cant i still have u?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Poison Ivy

    True emotions are felt through out this poem...i can feel the desperation, the longing for his company...i hope he realizes what he has before him..and if he doesnt than someone else will..nicely written:)

  • 17 years ago

    by Caitlin Morgan

    Thats really good! i like it! Kind of sad but its really cool. I relate alot to this poem. :) Good work!