Don't be a Coward

by wissypoo   Oct 18, 2006

What do you do
When you aren't supposed to tell something
A promise you vowed not to break
Something so big it could change lives
Yet it could be worse if you don't
Someone could get hurt
Or worse

Have you ever hurt so badly
That you started liking pain
You find ways to hurt yourself
Because even though it hurts
You feel better on the inside

You tell some friends
Then your parents find out
They all tell you to stop
That it should be easy to not hurt yourself
But they don't understand
You might want to stop
But you can't
You've started to like pain

You're failing school
You don't have any energy
Sometimes you can't get out of bed
No one understands
But you don't care
You don't care about anything anymore
Then you start to think
Wouldn't it be better without me?

You figure why waste food
So you starve yourself
Waiting for the moment
When no one knows where you are
When no one is around
You write a final note
And then...

20 years later
When you have a family of your own
And you're an important person at a big company
You look back on that night
When you thought you were so alone
But your friend cared about you
And realized what you were probably doing
So they had the courage to get help
Tears come to your eyes
As you think of how that friend saved your life
If they would've been a coward
None of this wouldve happened
And every year on you birthday
Instead of having a party
Your parents would have visited your grave
With tears in their eyes
Wondering what they did wrong


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