Living Past The Memory

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Oct 21, 2006

You just called me tonight to say good-bye...
I tried so hard to agree and not to cry...

It's so different hearing it from your mouth,
It actually hurts to hear those words come out...

I said them before but i was only mad,
But it's time to shut down everything we ever had.

Keep whatever you have of mine,
I'll keep the memories and all of our made time...

It's so weird that it is final this time,
You're starting a new life, I'm trying to find mine...

How can we be "friends" when i truly still care?
It's not the same in my life without your heart there...

I don't think I'm really ready to give up on this,
Too much about you I'm going to miss...

Maybe I'm just afraid of being alone...
Maybe I'm afraid to live life on my own.

I care too much that it hurts at times,
And i can't ever express that in words or rhymes...

I know I'm hanging on by a thin wire,
And i know that for some of our time, you've been a liar.

I don't deserve that, you don't deserve me...
But when I'm away from you, I'm not happy!

This pain, i can no longer pretend
This confusion has me smoking cigarettes again...

I'll wake up tomorrow and take a deep breathe...
Remember that it's only life, not death...

I'll put my two feet onto the sturdy ground,
And now i won't fall since you aren't around...

I'll tell myself i can do this today,
Just smile and say "Everything's OK",

I have some hope that i can do this too,
The hardest part is living past the memory of you...


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