Why do this have to happen to me?

by what happened to friendships   Oct 25, 2006

I can't take this anymore
I just want to give up.
I can't take this stress anymore.
You did this to me
You put this on me
You caused me to cry myself to sleep
You cause someone to almost die.
I just don't fucfrickinre anymore
You don't know how I feel
Ho close I am to her.
And as a write this down
I cry myself to sleep.
I hope you will understand
Why I did this.
Why I am like This
And I have no where else to turn but
Were I need to go
I need help and no one can help
I need to talk and no one is there to talk
No one is there at all more me
I just need one person to talk to me
Someone who will listen
Someone who will be there for me
And tell me it will be alright
But no one will be there but you
I hope you really understand.
Bye for no and ever.
I just wish you would have understand this.


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