A note 2 say goodbye

by jessica   Oct 25, 2006

This is a littl enote 2 say good-bye, my life was good but now its time 4 me 2 fly, to live with god, to be happy for once, to finally be care free, to live the way i want, and not the way som1 tells me 2, to finally be able to live, u might think i died 2 young, but it was my time, u might not have seen the pain i felt, but belive me, it was there, the smile i show was 2 hide my frown, the laughs i laughed were to hide my cries, it was all fake, oh so fake, more than ull ever no, no amount of ne halp could have made it ne better, just no thatthis was 4 the best, and i will always be in ur heart, and when u look up, ill be looking down, and maybe som day we will soon be bac together, but untill then, this is a littl enote to say good-bye!


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