The Rain Falls

by TaKe Me As I Am   Oct 30, 2006

The rain falls
the wind whispers
leaves outside my window dance to the music of the storm
the peaceful sounds of Yanni play on my headphones as I sit in bed and find myself drifting into the world outside
my mind wandering this way and that way
the book titled "Amazing Grace" lay upon my stomach
I think to myself how lucky I am..
for the family who loves me
the friends who will be there for me unconditionally
the privileges I had, have, and will continue to have
the rain falls..
and i am thankful to see it and to hear it as it bounces off the trees and lands on the ground
I'm thankful that I can smell the crisp air sneaking into my room through the open window
and I'm thankful for the blankets I have to snuggle up with as I observe the cold world outside
shelter to keep my dry
clothes and blankets to keep me warm
food and drinks to keep me healthy
inside I am safe, inside I am lucky
the rain falls..
and something inside of me just wants to scream and shout 'Thank You'
the rain falls..
and I wonder why I waste so much time worrying about little things and allowing them to bring me down
a cool breeze rushes through the open window..
I have a cold, but I am healthy
my family is healthy
my friends are healthy
...and for that I am thankful
a smile takes over my face
a glow reflects in my eyes
happiness- that's all it is
happy for everything my life has given me
grateful for the people in my life
and thankful..
for everything

the rain falls..
the wind whispers..
and I am happy*


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kelly

    Oh i like this poem becuase i think it reminds us that we should be thankful of the little things in life becuase some times they are the most important things. Great poem it has certainly cheered me up and reminded me that i am very lucky in my life to have family and friends.
