What would he want.

by RainBowXEmoXLove   Oct 30, 2006

He touch so warm so good feeling inside. the memory lasting in my mind, he\'s hugs. i wish i knew that would be his first and last \"i love you\'s\". and now i just wisper i miss you. i feel so alone so cold and unloved. i miss him so much i wish i could have tryed to touch his cold rotting skin. insted i looked at him, hugging my grandpa crying inside but bein strong on the outside.
i miss him alot...i wish i could tell him im sorry. but once he left i cut so deep i wished i died. i live a sad emo dark. depressed if i may say. but..i have to stop and ask myself what would he want. he doesnt want me killing myself inside.
~miss you buddy~
*phillip .m. hickle*
love you my brother


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  • 16 years ago

    by Emi

    Your poems are might i say very touching. Your brother must have ment a lot to you. I have lost my grandpa we were really close, and at first i wanted to die too, but like you, i got to thinking if he were still here today what would he have wanted? Not for me to die. Keep your self strong and keep your head high. Some people dont get to have the experience of even having loving brothers. You know he still loves you and its good that you have memories of him. I hope one day you really start to enjoy life and stop being depressed, i know this loss will always hurt, but you have a future to look forward to..think of how proud he would be to see you suceed in life.

  • 17 years ago

    by Maggie

    This was really touching.
    I also lost 2 of my brothers but i never got to meet them.

  • 17 years ago

    by DarkKiller

    I like how u put your life in your poem. u should write more, get it all out, thats wat i did, but my problems aren't as bad. Dont die, live strong. ^_^

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