The Wrong Direction

by Tripp   Nov 1, 2006

Eh, wrote this after school while waiting for the other bus. Not too good, but I got bored and I'm posting this...comments?

The path you follow, the wrong direction
I am waiting here, for my resurrection
In your eyes I see my own reflection
We're both lost in each others dereliction

Wanderers lost in a sea of lost souls
our heart's upon a bed of hot coals
Darkness surrounds all that I see
And doubts fill all that I wanna be

Worry is encompassing all of my thoughts
these are wounds, whose blood won't clot
Regret and memories follow where ever I go
eating me up, until I'm dry and hollow

Suddenly I'm revealed, in crystal clarity
the true side of me shown in all its rarity
See through the icy blue eyes you once knew
stare into the rings, of cold and unrelenting blue

See the boy who deep down I really am
I'm maturing, and starting to become a man
you can't stop me, from what I do
the best you can do, is let me through

The path you're following is the wrong way
but I'll be waiting here for you, day after day
In your eyes I see what I'm afraid to say
I just pray eventually, we'll find each others way....


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  • 17 years ago

    by Hannah Emellia

    Amazing, A very beautiful poem. I really enjoyed reading it. Keep writing.
    I don't care if my comment isnt upto your standards I just liked the poem. And felt like commenting.

    Happy writing

  • 17 years ago

    by stargirl49

    Wow....this is amazing, tripp!! so much feeling! you really are an awesome writer! keep up the good work!

  • 17 years ago

    by Bridgette

    I really like this. The emotions that you portrayed in this could be felt throughout the poem. The rhyming seemed a little forced at times, but it was still very good. And the descriptions that you had in this was amazing. 5/5 Keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by kelsey

    Thanks for the comment. i like those! lol. jeez... ur poems are like intense. i write pretty much for the same reason as you. its just i dont know how else to deal with things. like i used to cut... but eventually i realized that wasnt doing anything and i just realized a lot of things. i dont have a bad life i just need some way to express how i feel with no rules or limitations and nobody to cut me off and say i dont wanna hear it. ur... 14??? is that what ur profile said??? well im 13 but close enough. im almost 14. i dont think i did the whole rhyming thing right lol. i was just trying to let some anger out. i had a good poem written... like really good but... it got deleted somehow and i never wrote it down... i was pissed lol. i dont have aim but i have msn... u should get that... hit me back!