Depression (Never Goes Away)

by Raychil   Nov 7, 2006

This always seems to happen
Me feeling so very lost
Wanting everything to go away
But knowing what it would cost

I can never just be happy
Something always goes wrong
I can never just feel slight pain
Without it hitting full on and strong

I want to be able to feel something
And not want to cry
I want to be able to live life
And every moment not wonder why

Can't there ever be some way
For me to simply know?
What I want from my life
And where I want it to go?

Will there ever be a night
I don't cry myself to sleep
And while I cry I won't wonder
About the secrets that I keep

Will I ever have a moment
I won't doubt the things I do
The words I say feel so empty
That I don't know if they're true

Even now a tear escapes
It's slowly falling down
But when it hits the floor and splashes
Will anyone hear it's sound?

Many more tears follow
I can not hold them back
Everything is becoming blurry
Everything is becoming black

The scars are glowing brightly
Its as if they're trying to call
I stare at them, my body week
Now on the floor I fall

Will I ever get better?
Will it really be ok?
What if tomorrow goes wrong?
What if it hurts like everyday?

Will my mom ever love me?
Will my dad ever be proud?
Will my friends ever know?
Will my voice ever be heard aloud?


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  • 17 years ago

    by MemoirsOfMe

    "Even now a tear escapes
    It's slowly falling down
    But when it hits the floor and splashes
    Will anyone hear it's sound?"

    Amazing. I loved it. Good write. Deep - Emotional - Just You. Keep it up! I'll def. get in contact with you soon.

  • 17 years ago

    by Electric Monkey

    I really like this poem. It is so true in so many people's lives, including my own. One can only write about that which they experience.