Mike's Death

by Tripp   Nov 7, 2006

I write about just about everything that happens in my life...besides this. My friend Michael Priest shot himself on October 19th...he fell in love with a girl who didn't feel the same. he fell into obsession..and when she didn't feel the same about him, he coped the only way he could and shot himself. I only recently received the photos of what truly happened. and they make me sick. I can't begin to describe the pain I felt knowing this kid was my friend. I know this poem isn't good at all, but I had to vent, and this is the only way I know how....

He carved her name into his skin
a bullet with her name, is what did him in
He loved this girl, she didn't love back
bang - he shot himself - recoil hits the rack

He couldn't find the strength to live without her
that girl he loved, he loved everything about her
distance mattered not, timezones didn't either
the medics were late, useless was the rebreather

He shot himself that day in the courtyard
just without her he found life to be too hard
wrote her name on the 9 millimeter bullet
placed the the barrel to his temple, pulled it

She was the last thing going through Mikes head
before he committed the act, of making himself dead


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  • 17 years ago

    by kelsey

    Holy wow. you have some nice writing skillz!!!! i totally understand how your feeling!!! like my uncle had cancer and died last year. it was really hard because his daughter was my age and his wife became really sad and it was super hard becuase i hate seeing my family sad. so anyways my aunt was so sad that she took pain killers and medication to help with her depression. one night like 4 days after her husband died so took the whole bottle of medication and went into a coma. she wrote a note saying that life just wasnt worth living with out her love. her kids were great but she didnt know how to cope with her first love missing. it just tore me apart. i felt soooooooo bad. so i understand how you can feel. like helpless and bad that you couldnt do anything about it. but that poem and all your poems at that describe these situations perfectly!!! and my poems are just random. like i can never think of the right rhyming words... but you do it perfectly. ahh im jealous!

  • 17 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    That was so good I am so sorry for your lost. I hope you're okay. buh-bye!