by xXMikansexNoxGuiltXx   Nov 8, 2006

I choked back my tears as we said our goodbyes...
I hopped in the car as the wheels pulled me away she waved goodbye...

I'll remember what it was like having her here
But now theres 18 months to pass by
How long can I hold it back before I cry...?
It might be hard to live without her for awhile...
But we'll wait for you here at home
Till your duty has been done and its time to come back
With our arms open we'll welcome you back...

~ My mother~
~My American Soldier~

Dedicated To my mom who is now fighting in the war and hope she comes back unharmed...


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  • 17 years ago

    by twisted reality

    Some of the rhymes...weren't rhymes. They were a repeat of the words. =) 4/5 xoxo


  • 17 years ago

    by Allison

    This was great and I hope that your mom comes back ok. I wish her and your family luck. :)

  • 17 years ago

    by kayla

    Hey i really liked this poem alot. my boyfriend is in the navy, so i guess we kinda relate.. butijust thought i would let u kno that i kno how u feel.. and very good poem!!!