Daddies Little Defect

by Vacant Expressions   Nov 11, 2006

She looks around this empty place
Nothing but carpet, and walls
Theres nothing here anymore
Just an empty space

Do you see the scars on these old walls?
Everyone tells a different story
Some full of nothing but hate
Others hold the old glory

This used to be her home
Before she was cast out awhile ago
Daddy's little girl
Well thats has it used to be anyway

She used to be daddy's little girl
You would never guess by the look of these walls
Something in daddy had changed long ago
No more daddy's little darling

Daddy cast her out, long ago now
Things weren't going the right way
He told her she was useless
And she wasn't aloud to stay

So long ago now..
So much change has gone on
Daddy now found his new life
One of which she doesn't belong

Daddy's has his son now
And a new girlfriend
But I guess its out with the old and in with the new
If you were to look you wouldn't find her in the blend

She tried to very hard to make daddy proud
And punished herself for letting things get out of hand
Still not matter what, daddy's harsh words ring in her head
And she cant feel but in that life... shes been banned

Now it takes weeks to get a hold of daddy
And she See's him less then that
No more then once of twice every 6 months now
Daddy's not walking distance away any longer

She still cant seem to figure out why
Why doesn't daddy want anything to do with her?
She cleaned up her act, shes trying hard in school
She just wants things the way they were

When she was daddy's little girl
Nothing but smiles and laughter
When not a bad word was spoken
She never would have guessed what happens after

She looks around this empty place
Not long ago she called her home
but theres nothing here but carpet and walls
Just a big empty space

So she sits in the corner of her old room
And puts her head in her hands and cries
For she cant stand to see this place torn down
It would be like her own demise

She hears a sound, shes not supposed to be in here
Police come around the corner to find her crying in her old room
What are you doing here little one? This place is empty? Are you okay, Why do you cry?
It was my old room you see, small but it did its job well

I cant stand to say goodbye, and I'm sorry for trespassing
I just had to see the empty place i used to call home
And maybe remember the time when i was daddies little girl
And everything was okay, not like now

Now daddy has his new life, with his new girl
And his perfect son You see,
No more daddies little defect
No more me..

I'm so sorry officer for trespassing,
I had to say goodbye...
Why are you crying officer?
Are you okay?

The officer replied
My dear girl, I would have never guessed
It will be our little secret that you were in here
My dear girl, I'm sorry to hear, take your time

I will wait here for you to say goodbye
For I wouldn't dare rush you
Thank your officer, but i think I'm done
Its time for me to go, thank you again officer, this visit was long over due...


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