Too far gone

by Nicole   Nov 12, 2006

y did u do it?
what purpose did dangling from the ceiling serve?

i know ur outlook on life was bad
but u were ok or so u made some believe

i knew of all the times u cut
when u slit ur wrists to die
and now u\'ve hung urself.

even if we never met face to face
the bond we shared was amazing
we knew when one was lying or hiding something just like best friends do

but were u too far gone to live?
bcuz now u may have just lost ur life at 15

i know u\'ve been through hell
but then u found me and u already had ur friend with u
but why did u not go to her and confide within her?
i wish i could\'ve helped u more

but i fear its too late
ur too far gone for help
u\'ve given up on us
and now we cry out
cry out in pain for u

u see those closest to u
we have always cared
always thought u were wonderful
but now it may be too late
for if u realise it now
it may just be the end for u

and we will all cry and mourn for u
ur body was the one thing u controlled
and u always hurt urself bcuz u were u
y couldnt u see u were amazing?

my dear friend
never will u be forgotten
never will u be replaced
too far gone u may be
but u will still live in our memory


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  • 17 years ago

    by -Usmi-

    Rele nice ..... keep it up

  • 17 years ago

    by LostForever

    Its grace, not Alexe, obviously. she is still here at the moment babe, we jsut have to keep our fingers crossed, its a good poem. she is strong, try and keep your hopes up. *hugs* xxx