
by John   Nov 14, 2006

Leaking black oil oozes from a skip
Abandoned engines spew out their spit
Silver alloy casing, streaked with black oil,
Peeks from pool below, with an electric coil:
Rusted cogs, pulleys, belts, wheels
Clutch casings with leaking seals.
Cars torn open, seats strewn with glass,
A choice of vehicles - a unique mass.
Transporter Bridge looms - a striding sentinel
Watching steel toys freeze in scrapyard hell :
Leap-frogging cars which refuse to start
Await resurrection - if only in part.
Some stand alone with gaping hood mouths
Toothless, engine-less, to be re-housed.
A yellow crane with splay-edged feet
Is wheeled to a car which is incomplete,
Hauls up an engine in steel-roped crib
Lifted high from a hovering jib.
Standing on bolts embedded in dirt
Oil grimed mechanic wipes brow on shirt.
On a day which is empty, cold and bleak;
Machines which are past their prime and peak,
In a silent world of slumbering steel,
Customers just hope they can get a good deal


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  • 17 years ago

    by SexiiMexii

    Thats pretty good. i didnt think anyone could right a poem about cars like that