But I Was Suppose To Be Something

by Rachel   Nov 15, 2006

Looking back, never quite measured up
Always lost in my sister's shadow
She was my hero
The one I wanted to perform like
The one I wanted to dress, look, and be just like
The one with the friends I wanted to be friends with too
The one with the closest bond to mama
Never quite measured up
So what was I supposed to be?

The middle child...
That means that I have a younger sibling, my baby brother
Yeah, the one most valued by father and mother
The one who seems can do no wrong
The one who I fought with for too long
But I grew up to realize how important our relationship is
But you turned your back away
When I told you about a new love
So what kind of sister was I supposed to be?

Looking back, school was where I could shine
Always top of my class
Teachers informed my parents of an incredible mind
I remember when my parents could brag about me
Smile at just the thought of me
Felt this tight sense of love around me
And that's who I was supposed to be.

Go back six years, discover that something went wrong
Let puppy love and rebellion intercept the path to success
Verbal abuse by peers affected my self-esteem
Began making excuses for not doing even the simplest homework
Suicidal tendencies also made things worst
That's not what I was supposed to be.

Looking back, I had a greater drive
I was suppose to become somebody
A supermodel, a dentist, a surgeon, psychologist
But, then you realize you're not tall enough
Then you think you're not smart enough
And you figure you may not have a strong enough stomach
And of course, how can you help others when you can't even help yourself?
I was supposed to be one of those things
I was supposed to be something.

Can't make excuses anymore
It's time to grow up
Realize I can achieve something
That'll make them smile again at just the thought of me
And they won't have to brag about me
Just to know I wasn't a disappointment in the end
And that they can truly be proud of me
Because someday, I'm going to be that something.


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  • 17 years ago

    by TaKe Me As I Am

    Very well written, and really touched the reader. I think that we have all felt the way that you felt growing up. That feeling of never succeeding the way we felt we were expected to, or never being that person that everyone wanted us to be.

    awesome writing. keep it up! 5/5

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