He Kissed My Cut

by breakxyouxdown   Nov 16, 2006

I close my eyes and count to three
with the blade gripped between my fingers
i sit in fright, but happy to be free

i peirce a blade threw my veins
just remembering all the pains
i see the blood drip down my wrist
i close my hand tight, with a big fist

i'm someone who can't take many things
i can hear the blood drip, when it hits the floor,
it sounds like quiet pings. . .

mabey this time i really did do it
im totaly lost
im left in this pit

i can see it now, everything going black
i wish he was here with me
i feel this stinging in my back

i scream, but no one hears me
im all alone
but he has the key..
so set me free

i'm lying here in my own blood
if i didnt know any better
i would think it was a red flood

i heard someone open the door
i looked up at who it was
he saw me dieing on the floor

he picked me up like i could fly,
kissed my cut
he said i'm so sorry
but to late, i was getting ready to die

before i could say you are so true
before i blanked out
he said "i love you"


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  • 17 years ago

    by DarkJem

    Great poem but u have a few spelling errors v cool though keep it up :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    Wow thats amazingly powerful