Horrible past

by dyingxpassion   Nov 21, 2006

Share my pain and then you can explain
how you hurt me like you did
and I'm left with the scars that i hid
as you pretend that you care
but yet i know you wont even be there
tears falls from my eyes
as you slowly uncover all my lies
fake a smile to show I'm okay
but to the world i hide and runaway
followed by a horrible past
and no the memories aren't a blast
afraid each night as i fall asleep
the wounds i bare are so deep
all the yelling my mind cant keep
as the anger flies through the house
everyone fears...even the mouse
as you find me afraid in my room
i slowly await your horrible doom
as i look in the mirror at my tear stained face
i cry as i need to get out of this place
years of this torture years of this pain
its hard to sit and explain
as i sit and listen to your lies
every night i pray to die
as you says your sorry for what you did
all the memories you just rid them from your mind
and i slowly try to leave this horrible past behind


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