The Night of A Thousand Tears

by XxDeadPassionxX   Nov 21, 2006

The guy you like to hang with,
You know, the one you play that game with.
The crush.
Admit your feelings or when you were wrong.
Don't be afraid. No Fear.
The moment of truth,
You like him, but does he like you?
Just Friends.
You think about him constantly.
Try to show no emotion.
No tears or sorrow.
But deep inside,
Your heart is hollow.
You still go on like northing's wrong.
No problems, still friends
There's a perk.
Every time he looks this way
you smirk, and smile all the while
Your heart cries.
Go home.
His name still rings in your head,
His voice too, that says
"Just friends."
You lay on your bed and think.
Can't eat, can't sleep.
All I do is cry.
How? You wonder, and also, Why?
A sob and a tear is all I shed
What have I done wrong?
And how have I led?
Was I too clingy?
What's not right?
Is he just too...up there?
Is he out f sight, and smell
and reach?
His name still goes,
His face,
and the simple fact, that now,
He knows
how I feel.
Another tear.
Then more.
I need to stop this.
I'm dropping to the floor.
To my knees. Am I this weak?
What is wrong with me?
Why can't I speak
when he's there or even around?
His name more,
tears galore.
My heart weeps,
I feel so down.
I I wish he was here,
To watch me drown in my ocean of tears
I shed for him.
I need to sleep,
I need to thrive.
How am I even still alive?
When he is gone
and out of reach
His name cries out for me,
You know the name for it is...
There it goes again
Yet I can not write it
for how much I rhyme.
There is nothing like it.
No words to describe how I feel,
When I'm around him.
He is my sun and my moon
and sadly...
They grow dim.
I want what can not be reached.
No matter how far I stretch,
Or how close I keep
him to my heart.
I'm so small, like a child
I weep
when he is not there.
I look over and try not to stare
at him.
For he is there,
Not here.
Yet in my heart
He's still very truly dear.


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