Voice In My Head

by Unknown2Thyself   Nov 23, 2006

I feel for you under the pale moonlight,
With the wind whispering through my ear.
So softly it whispered while the wolves howled on,
That so closely I had to listen so I could only hear,
"If you go with him you shall be heading to wards your own doom."

I shook it off as my imagination,
Just more voices in my head.
Yet as the end of the night grow near,
And as the boy began to push,
I wondered if that voice was only telling the truth.

His fingers turned to claws and tore away my flesh.
His eyes became the very image of the devil.
His hands pushed away all my defenses,
And soon only another victim was I.

Torn, battered and left to die,
Was how he left me on this cold night.
With my body barely covered,
And my limbs turning purple.

As I lay there willing to die,
The voice began to whisper once again in my ear.
"You did not listen to me,
And I made sure my warning was crystal clear.
Now you've end your life when you could have had so much more."

As the voice began to fade I began to smile,
For who would have known that the voice I was hearing,
Was my own.


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  • 17 years ago

    by mier

    Wow! A seriously amazing poem written with so much emotion and imagination... 5/5! :)

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