I still care...

by Butterfly   Dec 3, 2006

My eyes fill with tears
As I listen to every word
That comes from your mouth...
I hear every truth you have to say about me.
Every thing wrong about me
Everything that doesn't make me like you.
Each word you speak cuts deeper and deeper into my heart.
I thought you hated me...
And you thought I hated you.
You were waiting for me to talk back
I wasn't trying to win you...
I never said I was the best person alive... I'm not.
But I know where my heart stands
And I will not let it be shaken.
Don't hurt me, because I know who I am
And you can't find yourself.
But even if you never want to look at me again...
Just so long as you know...
I care for you... and I always will.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Thoughtless Consideration

    Great poem =] i loved the flow and everything. it was nice and had alot of subtle emotion in it. 5/5