
by christina   Dec 11, 2006

My Heart is as black as coal my blood is as thin as ice.

My mind is clouded with doubt.
I try to find my way back from the place I was Last at.

A place full of happiness full of life.
My mind is a wasteland of tears

so many tears flood my mind that I swim in them I even breath in them.

I am so use to the darkness that it is hard to find the speck of light that lingers at the end of my tunnel.

I am so alone so afraid of living this life that I set my self on.

Maybe pain and despair are the only emotions I will ever feel.

I fear death will be my only savior from this world I am in.

But I do not want to die alone with so much weight on my shoulders

I carry such a heavy loud that I struggle underneath the weight of my mistakes and of my failures.

I carry my lost goals and my lost dreams.

Maybe one day I will find the road that leads me to my lucid dream.


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