Beyond logic Another reality

by Mark Lee   Dec 11, 2006

Through the silence of the night
Echoes the soul grasping sound
Of the ethereal howling of a pack of wolves
Their song is carried through the air
Over the tree tops to a place of forever
The full moon glows an aura of wonderment
Wolves wail to this celestial body in honor of it
Metaphorically they are attempting to connect
With ideas that lay dormant in the subconscious
Just below the surface

Like the undisturbed stones lie comfortably
In the sand at the apex of a calm flowing river
Always there but hidden from view
What secrets lie within ourselves
Waiting for us to discover?
For in sleep the unconscious whispers to us
Shall we lay quietly and listen?

If you don't cross the bridge
You'll never know what's on the other side
If we were not meant to eat
There would be no hunger
So the subconscious must serve a purpose
Who says logic is the only reality?

I am ready to fly with the spirits of the night
Begin a quest into another realm
Of human awareness
Seeking out words and ideas
To bring back
For it is here that thoughts originate
A journey into the other side of myself
Where logic has no relevance
And imagination has no limitations
Like the pirate who prepares to unearth
A buried treasure

Okay kill the lights
Close your eyes
Plan for take-off


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