Theres a hole

by NonsensicallyNeurotic   Dec 18, 2006

I cant breathe right
whenever hes around
is it because i love him
or is it because he loves me
i can feel the hole growing
taking over
day by day
hour by hour

how can a heart beat faster
when it isnt even there
i cant feel its nonexistance
i cant feel its existance
i can feel just the pain

this first guy
he crushed me
he admits it
does he love me
or is it a game
either way
i love him

this second guy
the one isnt there
does he feel it
or am i imagining it
i feel like ive known him forever
instead of of an insignificant
of emotion

this third guy
he loves me
he needs me
i love him too
but i cant do anything
i cant hurt him
for if these other guys love me too
im in

i can feel it burning now
look at me
cant you see it
the hole
where my heart
used to be

It's not very flowing, but then again, it's not supposed to be.

I just wrote it, it took me about 2 seconds. But it\'s been in my head for hours. I just needed to get the words out...
And notice that there are no capital letters...I did that on purpose, I like capitalization and puntuation and all that good stuff.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by NonsensicallyNeurotic

    Hm.....I wish I knew. I felt like writing a poem, and it just kinda flew out.

  • 17 years ago

    by XSugarSexSuicideX

    Nice way to get the words do they even form???


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