She's No Longer There

by Kaye   Dec 23, 2006

She giggles and she babbles
She left me sitting there for a whole half hour
She came stumbling from the chaos outside
Where nonsensical clamor rages
Into the hushed, the muted, the stillness

She giggles and she babbles
About nonsense and philosophy
Her cousin had held her up she says
[The one that had died years ago]
And she wonders if I've been waiting

Into the hushed, the muted, the stillness
She broke it with her useless laughter
She tells me of her cats and then
Confesses her darkest secrets and fears

Into the hushed, the muted, the stillness
She talks her way into circles and loops
Never quite on one topic
But instead, rambles on with five

She wonders if I've been waiting
She has no sense of time and
Frequently stares off into vacant confinement
She's too afraid to leave the room
And fears the unknown that circles her head

She wonders if I've been waiting
She talks of Kari the cat who has a special toe
And of cooking pasta for a family of six
[HER family, was of four]
I was bored out of my mind, yet
She doesn't remember and I can't forget


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