Tears of the Valley

by SoulSymplicity   Dec 26, 2006

Tears of the valley continue to run deep through my soul causing so much despair within my body. Feeling uncontent with the path that I had chosen. The happiness that I felt inside has faded. Feels as if a dagger has just been stabbed right through my heart with blood all over leaving me to die. My mind has never felt so weak and so restless with nothing but thoughts filling my head. Intoxicated by all of the these lies and deceptions that everyone has been feeding me. Causing me to go hungry and tearing up my whole being. I am, at this time, alone with no where to run and no where to turn. Those that I thought would stay by my side has left me with nothing but questions in the air. Wondering what I had done to cause them to walk out of on me. Never had I felt so disappointed in my life. The sadness has taken control of my feelings. Something is holding me back and tying me down. Unable to make any type of movement. My mouth is dry and has become silent. Not one word escapes from my mouth. My voice has faded away as I slowly disappear within the eyes of each individuals. My soul continue to walk on this crucial world so lost and confused. I'm dying inside yet no one can see that. They only want to see what they want to see. My body has given up. Can't take anymore pain than it already has. What did I ever do to deserve such turmoil and chaos in my life? This is the answer that has yet to unfold in front of my eyes. My chest is hurting as I build up all these anger inside. Yet I continue to smile, hiding the pain that I have inside. As I try to gather the little strength that I have left. Hoping that I can at least get by one more day.


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